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9mm 900mb APK Data TPS Android Offline Game



Game keren yang lagi happening banget di grup facebook yang gue follow. Udah berusaha download dari berbagai sumber tapi cuma ngerasain Pink Screen terus. Mencari-cari apk yang bisa dimainin di semua GPU buat player non root tapi kayaknya harus nyerah deh, terpaksa gue share game ini yang kemungkinan bakal Pink Screen di beberapa HP. Tapi no worries, semua bisa dihandle kalo player udah install APK ini Tanpa ROOT Dan tanpa GLTools sudah All support GPU Terbaru OS Android, nanti gue bahas di ujung postingan ini. Di game ini, lo bakal jadi John "Loose" Kannon, ketua tim kepolisian hardcore yang ga takut buat bawa keadilan di jalanan. Tapi suatu hal besar terjadi pas tim Kannon membunuh bos geng narkoba setempat dan nyolong jutaan duit sekaligus. Hal ini bikin tim Kannon jadi sasaran semua gangster di kota. Kannon cuma punya satu pilihan, yaitu tangkep bos geng yang ngejar timnya, legal atau enggak, sebelum mereka yang tangkep duluan. Game dengan aksi luar biasa Bikin player ketagihan mainin mode gameplay 3rd person shooting, bisa loncat sambil nembak musuh dengan gerakan keren. Game dengan simulasi kerusakan beneran, tergantung tindakan player di dalam game. Semua dalam sehari kerja Para gangster serius banget dengan aksinya. Jadi persenjatai diri lu dengan berbagai macam senjata. Mulai dari Pistol, Shotgun, peluncur granat, dan lainnya. Siap-siap buat berantem sama kriminal di lokasi yang beda-beda, kayak Night Club, kantor polisi, kawasan industri, dan Meksiko. Tangkep bos geng dan informannya hidup-hidup. Kejar terus sampe bisa mereka dan interogasi mereka.

/Cool game that is currently trending in the Facebook group I follow. I tried downloading it from various sources but only experienced a Pink Screen. I searched for an apk that could be played on all GPUs for non-root players but it seems like I have to give up, so I have to share this game that may have Pink Screen on some phones. But no worries, everything can be handled if players have installed this APK Without ROOT And without GLTools already supporting all the latest GPUs for the Android OS, I will discuss this at the end of this post. In this game, you will play as John "Loose" Kannon, the leader of a hardcore police team who is not afraid to bring justice to the streets. But something big happens when Kannon's team kills the local drug gang boss and steals millions of dollars at the same time. This makes Kannon's team a target of all the gangsters in the city. Kannon only has one choice, which is to capture the gang boss chasing his team, legally or not, before they are caught first. The game features extraordinary action that will make players addicted to playing in 3rd person shooting gameplay mode, jumping while shooting enemies with cool moves. The game has a real damage simulation, depending on the player's actions in the game. All in a day's work The gangsters are serious about their actions. So arm yourself with various weapons. Starting from a Pistol, Shotgun, grenade launcher, and more. Get ready to fight criminals in different locations, like Nightclubs, police stations, industrial areas, and Mexico. Capture the gang boss and their informants alive. Chase them until you can catch and interrogate them.



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❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


The Room Three Mobile Android Puzzle Game Offline APK 1gb + OBB



Selamat datang di The Room Three, game puzzle keren di dunia keren banget. Di sebuah pulau terpencil, lo harus pake otak lo buat ngepecahin puzzle-puzzle yang diatur sama si tokoh misterius namanya "The Craftsman". Gameplay-nya gampang Gampang dimainin tapi susah banget untuk ngepecahin puzzle-puzzle-nya, lo bakal suka banget kombinasi puzzle-puzzle yang simpel tapi bikin otak lo bekerja keras. Kontrolnya juga simpel Sentuhan lo di layar bisa bikin lo ngerasa bener-bener nyentuh objek-objeknya. Banyak lokasi keren Lo bakal tersesat di tempat-tempat yang bikin lo wow banget, masing-masing lokasi punya keunikan sendiri. Objek-objeknya juga nggak main-main Lo bisa muterin, liat lebih dekat, atau periksa artefak-artejak buat nemuin rahasia-rahasia yang tersembunyi. Dunia juga bisa dikecilin Pake Eyepiece buat eksplorasi dunia miniatur yang keren banget.


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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


Til Morning's Light 600mb APK Android Offline Game



Erica Page tuh cewek abg yang lagi fokus banget buat nyocokin diri sama temen-temen cewek lainnya. Tapi tiba-tiba aja dia kejebak di mansion gara-gara ulah dua cewek bersahabat yang iseng. Ini bukan mansion biasa, tapi mansion yang udah terkutuk selama 200 tahun dan berhantu. Sebagai Erika, kita bakal jalan-jalan di mansion yang serem banget itu yang sebenernya nggak benar-benar kosong. Kita bakal cari tahu rahasia tergelapnya dan berharap bisa kabur dari situ. Erica juga harus dapetin petunjuk, ngumpulin alat-alat, dan ngerjain puzzle-puzzle biar bisa keluar dari mansion itu. Ketika situasi makin parah dengan kehadiran makhluk-makhluk supernatural, Erica harus bisa lawan mereka pake senter, tongkat baseball, pisau, dan pedang. Dan yang paling penting, Erica harus bisa kabur sebelum matahari terbit, kalau nggak ntar dia jadi hantu mansion yang berikutnya. Til's Morning Light kasih cerita yang keren dan bikin penasaran, karakternya unik dan cakep, lingkungannya serem banget dengan berbagai drama dan kejutan di gameplay-nya. Buat gameplay-nya sendiri, game ini punya battle ala game RPG turn-based, di mana bakal ada arena pertempuran pas kita ketemu musuh.

/Erica Page is a teenage girl who is currently very focused on fitting in with her group of girlfriends. But suddenly, she gets trapped in a mansion because of the mischief of two mischievous friends. This is no ordinary mansion, but a mansion that has been cursed for 200 years and is haunted. As Erica, we will explore the incredibly creepy mansion that is not completely empty. We will uncover its darkest secrets and hope to escape from it. Erica must find clues, collect tools, and solve puzzles in order to get out of the mansion. As the situation worsens with the presence of supernatural creatures, Erica must fight them using a flashlight, baseball bat, knife, and sword. And most importantly, Erica must escape before sunrise, or else she will become the next ghost of the mansion. Til's Morning Light offers a cool and intriguing story, unique and attractive characters, and a terrifying environment with various drama and surprises in its gameplay. As for the gameplay itself, the game features turn-based RPG battles, where we will encounter enemies in battle arenas.



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❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise 500mb APK Android Puzzle Offline Game



"Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise" adalah game seru banget, bro! Game ini ngasih kita petualangan puzzle yang nggak cuma seru, tapi juga penuh misteri mata-mata yang bikin penasaran. Dikembangin sama Yak & Co, studio kece banget yang bikin game ini muncul pertama kali tahun 2015 dan sejak itu keluar di iOS, Android, dan juga konsol-konsol keren kayak PlayStation 4, Xbox One, dan Nintendo Switch. Di "Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise", kita bakal jadi Agent A, seorang mata-mata yang ditugasin buat ngejar Ruby La Rouge, si antagonis nyebelin yang susah ditangkap. Ruby tuh jagoan yang pandai banget bikin hilang tanpa jejak, jadi mainnya nggak cuma soal ngelesain puzzle, tapi juga soal ngungkapin misteri besar yang tersembunyi. Game ini gabungin elemen puzzle sama cerita yang seru, di mana kita bakal jelajahin berbagai tempat, nyari petunjuk, dan bersusah-susah ngeluarin solusi buat puzzle yang nggak gampang. Kita juga harus berpikir kreatif dan kritis, karena game ini sering banget bikin kita mikir keras. Puzzlenya bervariasi, dari puzzle logika biasa sampe puzzle yang butuh kita bener-bener paham petunjuk-petunjuk tersembunyi. Yang paling keren dari "Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise" itu desainnya yang memukau banget. Dengan gaya tahun 60-an yang campur retro sama futuristic, game ini ngasih tampilan yang beda dan menarik banget. Gaya artistiknya nggak cuma bikin visual jadi bagus, tapi juga nyokong banget suasana misterius dan penuh puzzle ala dunia spionase. Musik dan suaranya juga bagus banget, bikin suasana jadi makin tegang dan elegan, kayak di film-film mata-mata gitu. Dari dulu sampe sekarang, banyak yang demen sama "Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise" gara-gara puzzlenya nyebut banget dan ceritanya bikin penasaran. Nggak cuma sekedar main puzzle, tapi juga ngerasain cerita yang hidup dengan putaran dan kejutan di setiap sudutnya. Nggak cuma otak kita yang dipake, tapi juga hati kita jadi kebawa-bawa. Penasaran, bro? Yuk, coba mainin game ini!

/"Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise" is a really exciting game, bro! This game gives us a puzzle adventure that is not only fun, but also full of mysterious spies that make us curious. Developed by Yak & Co, a really cool studio that first released this game in 2015 and since then it has been available on iOS, Android, and also cool consoles like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. In "Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise", we will become Agent A, a spy assigned to chase Ruby La Rouge, the annoying antagonist who is hard to catch. Ruby is a master at making herself disappear without a trace, so playing this game is not only about solving puzzles, but also about uncovering hidden mysteries. This game combines puzzle elements with an exciting story, where we will explore various places, search for clues, and work hard to find solutions for puzzles that are not easy. We also have to think creatively and critically, because this game often requires us to think hard. The puzzles vary, from normal logic puzzles to puzzles that require us to truly understand hidden clues. The coolest thing about "Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise" is its stunning design. With a 60s style that mixes retro and futuristic, this game offers a unique and fascinating look. The artistic style not only makes the visuals look good, but also really supports the mysterious and puzzle-filled atmosphere of the spy world. The music and sound effects are also great, creating a tense and elegant atmosphere, like in spy movies. From the past until now, many people love "Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise" because the puzzles are really challenging and the story is intriguing. It's not just about playing puzzles, but also experiencing a lively story with twists and surprises at every corner. Not only our brains are used, but our hearts are also moved. Curious, bro? Let's try playing this game!

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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


Rayman Classic 200mb APK OBB Android Offlne Game Platformer



Game jadul keren banget nih, udah rilis dari tahun 1995 buat PlayStation, sekarang di-porting ke android. Ceritanya tentang Rayman yang musti ngelawan si jahat Mr. Dark yang nyolong bola energi penting dunia, Great Protoon. Selain nyolong bola energi itu, si Mr. Dark juga ngegampar para Electoons, makhluk pirang berambut yang tinggal di dunia Rayman. Mereka dikurung di penjara besi yang bisa Rayman hancurin selama petualangannya. Game ini petualangan banget, beda sama biasanya yang endless runner. Banyak tempat fantastis yang bakal player eksplor di game ini, kayak Dream Forest, Bad Land, Blue Mountain, dan Candy Castle. Pastinya di perjalanan itu Rayman bakal ketemu musuh-musuh yang harus player kalahin. Di awal game, kemampuan Rayman cuma bisa panjat pohon, turun bukit, dan jongkok. Tapi seiring jalannya game, ada peri yang ngebantu naikin kemampuan Rayman, kayak kasih kemampuan pukul. Kalo tombol pukul di tahan, jarak pukulnya makin jauh.

/An old game that was released in 1995 for the PlayStation console has been ported to android. This game tells the epic adventure of Rayman to save his world from a villain named Mr. Dark who successfully stole the energy ball that maintains the balance of the world, the Great Protoon. In addition to stealing the mystical energy ball, Mr. Dark also imprisoned the Electoons, the residents of Rayman's world in the form of small, blonde-haired balls, they are trapped in an iron prison that Rayman can destroy during the adventure. This game is an adventure game, different from the usual genre of Endless Runner. There are many fantasy locations that the player will explore in this game, such as Dream Forest, Bad Land, Blue Mountain, and Candy Castle. Of course, on his journey, Rayman will encounter various types of enemies that the player must defeat. At the beginning of the game, Rayman's abilities are only able to climb tree branches, descend hills, and crouch. But as the game progresses, there will be a fairy that helps improve Rayman's abilities, such as giving him the ability to punch, which if the punch button is held, the distance of the punch will increase.


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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


Rayman Jungle Mobile Android Game Endless Runner APK 120mb + OBB (Full Reviews)



Game ini ngehits banget, guys! Gak cuma seru aja, tapi juga bikin nagih buat terus mainin. Dengan 70 level dan 7 stage yang bisa dipilih, pasti nggak bakal bosen deh mainin game ini. Apalagi ada level super susah yang bikin adrenalin naik, End of The Death namanya. Nggak cuma main sampai finish aja, tapi juga harus kumpulin 100 lums biar dapet skor sempurna. Game ini didesain buat bantu Rayman sampe ke garis finish dengan selamat. Jadi, jangan sampai ketinggalan bendera coklat muda yang tandain garis finish, ya! Kalo soal kontrolnya, gampang banget, tinggal tap-tap aja buat lompat, terbang, atau pukul musuh. Grafis dan soundtracknya juga oke parah, bikin game ini makin seru buat dimainin. Jadi, kalo lagi bosen atau lagi butuh game yang seru, langsung aja cobain game ini deh!

/This game is really popular, guys! Not only is it fun, but it also makes you addicted to keep playing. With 70 levels and 7 stages to choose from, you definitely won't get bored playing this game. Especially with the super difficult level that gets your adrenaline pumping, called End of The Death. You don't just play until you finish, but you also have to collect 100 lums to get a perfect score. This game is designed to help Rayman reach the finish line safely. So, don't miss the light brown flag that marks the finish line! As for the controls, it's really easy, just tap-tap to jump, fly, or hit enemies. The graphics and soundtrack are also great, making this game even more fun to play. So, if you're bored or in need of a fun game, just give this game a try!


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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


King of War-Fantasy Journey 30mb APK Only no obb data again Android Offline Game


Hey Bro minggu ini gua lagi fokus nyari game kecil tapi jago mainnya. Abis nemu Eve Spesial Force kemarin, sekarang nemu King of War-Fantasy Journey. Ini game arcade side-scrolling hack n slash, grafisnya cakep dan fiturnya juga lumayan. Inspirasi dari kisah Journey to The West, jadi tokoh utamanya pasti si raja kera Sun Wu Kong, plus 3 karakter lain yang masih terkunci. Ada prajurit surga cakep-gagah, cwe cute silumat rubah sexy, sama si cantik siluman tengkorak. Desain karakternya oke banget, serangannya juga keren. Banyak skill yang bisa dibuka sama player, animasinya over the top tapi malah seru. Meskipun gameplay-nya ala arcade jadul, game ini punya sistem equipment modern. Bisa beli armor dan aksesoris di tengah pertempuran. Nih, IAP game ini bisa gua tembus pake Lucky Patcher. Bisa buka semua karakter, naikin level sampe maksimal, pakein equipment premium dengan mudah. Tapi hati-hati ya, jangan kebanyakan modnya biar game nya tetep menantang. Sekedar unlock karakter aja cukup. Soalnya game ini meskipun gampang, seru loh.

/This week, to be honest, I am more focused on finding games with small sizes but with exciting gameplay. After finding Eve Special Force yesterday, this time I found King of War-Fantasy Journey. An arcade side-scrolling hack n slash game, with beautiful graphics and quite a lot of features. This game is largely inspired by the story of Journey to The West. So of course, the main character in this game is the Monkey King, Sun Wu Kong, with 3 other characters that are still locked and cannot be played yet. They are handsome and brave heavenly warriors, the cute fox spirit that is sexy, and the beautiful skull spirit. The character design in this game looks very good, with special attacks that are also very cool. There will be many skills that players can unlock later, with attack animations that may seem excessive but actually add to the fun when playing. Although it has a classic arcade-style gameplay, this game has an equipment system like modern games. From armor to accessories, players can buy or acquire them in the middle of battles. The cool thing is that this game's in-app purchases can be bypassed with the Lucky Patcher application. With this application, players can unlock all characters without having to bother to buy them or complete one character to unlock another. Level up the characters to the maximum level, and equip them with premium equipment. As a result, the game becomes boring because enemies are instantly KO'd with just one strike. So my advice is, be careful when modding, just unlock the characters. Because this game falls into the category of easy but fun games.


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❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗



Zombie Defense 2: Episodes 103mb APK OBB Horror FPS Zombie Android Offline Game



Game zombie ini emang jalan banget, bikin deg-degan terus was-wasnya ga ketulungan. Bayangin aja, dikejar-kejar sama zombie yang ngebut dan serangan bergerombol, pasti bikin jantung dag-dig-dug. Grafisnya lumayan bagus dan kontrolnya nyaman banget. Menurut gue, nuansa gameplaynya mirip banget sama game horor FPS kayak Mental Hospital, tapi ditambahin aja zombie-zombie yang siap ngamuk dan ngejar-ngejar player. Di game ini, lu bakal jadi Sara Foster, seorang petugas pemerintahan US yang dikasih misi berbahaya sama Dr. Parker, seorang ahli genetika yang lagi berusaha nyari vaksin biar manusia jadi kebal dari virus zombie. Sara, yang kebal dari virus, bakal sering banget ngejalanin misi di berbagai tempat. Ceritanya dimulai dari tahun 2017, waktu Korea Utara lagi ngembangin senjata biologi canggih. Sampe akhirnya di tahun 2021, proyek Black Widow yang dari jamur itu gagal dan virusnya menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Umat manusia hampir punah di tahun 2023, 95%nya udah mati dan terinfeksi Black Widow. Sisa-sisa manusia yang masih bertahan bikin koloni di seluruh dunia. Ada juga kelompok ilmuwan yang masih hidup yang lagi berusaha nyari vaksin biar manusia bisa kebal dari virus mematikan itu.

/This zombie game is really intense, making your heart race and keeping you on edge constantly. Just imagine being chased by fast zombies in hordes, it would definitely make your heart beat faster. The graphics are pretty good and the controls are very comfortable. In my opinion, the gameplay atmosphere is very similar to horror FPS games like Mental Hospital, but with the added element of rampaging zombies chasing after the player. In this game, you play as Sara Foster, a US government official who is given a dangerous mission by Dr. Parker, a genetic expert who is trying to find a vaccine to make humans immune to the zombie virus. Sara, who is immune to the virus, will go on missions in various locations. The story starts in 2017, when North Korea was developing advanced biological weapons. Eventually, in 2021, the Black Widow project from the fungi failed and the virus spread worldwide. By 2023, almost all of humanity was extinct, with 95% dead or infected by the Black Widow virus. The remaining survivors formed colonies around the world. There are also groups of surviving scientists trying to find a vaccine to make humans immune to the deadly virus.


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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


Fishing King 120mb APK + Data Game Simulation Android Offline



Nih game jadul bikinan gameloft emang keren banget, gameplay dan grafisnya bikin speechless. Gue rasa pengalaman main game ini bener-bener deket banget sama main di konsol, beda banget sama game memancing yang gue coba di HP android lain. Di awal game, lo bakal milih salah satu dari tiga karakter pemancing yang bisa lo mainin, 2 cowok 1 cewek. Gak ada yang istimewa dari karakter-karakter itu, cuma jadi avatar aja yang namanya lo bisa ganti-ganti. Biasanya pasti, awal main game lo cuma pemancing amatir, tujuannya jadi profesional terkenal di seluruh dunia. Lo bakal lewatin serangkaian misi panjang di lima lokasi dengan 15 spot pemancingan di seluruh dunia. Lewatin misi-misi itu yang bakal bikin lo berjuang demi impian lo. Banyak banget misi berbeda yang harus lo selesain di tiap spot. Kadang lo harus daptain ikan terbesar, atau kadang harus tangkep spesies tertentu yang lagi ngetren di spot pemancingan lo. Macem-macem misi ini yang bikin game ini seru dan challenging. Ada PDA buat cek misi yang harus lo selesain, jadi kalo lo lupa, buka aja email virtual di PDA lo. Di dalam PDA juga ada berbagai pengetahuan tentang pemancingan yang bisa ngebantu lo selama main game ini. Setelah lo selesain misi, lo bakal dapet reward berupa uang. Duit itu bisa lo pake buat beli atau upgrade perlengkapan memancing kayak joran, senar, dan kail. Gak tau pengaruhnya apa sama gameplay, tapi tampilan alat pancing yang lo upgrade berubah. Soal kontrol, nantilah lo bakal tau sendiri pas main.

/This old school game made by Gameloft is really cool, the gameplay and graphics make me speechless. I feel like the experience of playing this game is really close to playing on a console, unlike other fishing games I've tried on other Android phones. At the beginning of the game, you will choose one of three fishing characters that you can play, 2 guys and 1 girl. There's nothing special about these characters, they're just avatars that you can change the name of. Usually, at the beginning of the game, you are just an amateur fisherman, with the goal of becoming a famous professional worldwide. You will go through a series of long missions in five locations with 15 fishing spots around the world. Completing these missions will help you fight for your dream. There are a lot of different missions that you have to complete at each spot. Sometimes you have to catch the biggest fish, or sometimes you have to catch a specific species that is popular in your fishing spot. It's these various missions that make this game exciting and challenging. There's a PDA to check the missions you have to complete, so if you forget, just check your virtual email on your PDA. Inside the PDA, there is also various fishing knowledge that can help you during the game. After completing a mission, you will receive a reward in the form of money. You can use this money to buy or upgrade fishing equipment like rods, lines, and hooks. I don't know if it affects gameplay, but the upgraded fishing gear looks different. As for controls, you will see for yourself when you play it later.

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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


Eternity Warriors 2 100mb APK Only no obb data Android Action Offline Game



Adalah game jadul hack n slash yang seru banget buat jalan-jalan ke dungeon dengan grafis keren abis. Gue bilang jadul, soalnya gue udah mainin game ini dari tahun 2012, dan untungnya masih bisa dimainin di HP gue Aquos yang pake Os Lolipop. Gue gak bisa cerita banyak soal ceritanya karena mulai dari awal main, player langsung disuguhin aksi karakter ala Barbarian dengan dua kapak gede sebagai senjatanya. Berpetualang di dalam dungeon, ngelawan monster satu per satu, sampe akhirnya harus ngadepin bos biar bisa naik ke lantai atau area berikutnya. Meskipun keliatan gampang di awal, tapi percaya deh, game bakal makin susah di 5 chapter selanjutnya, karena beda kekuatan antara karakter dan musuhnya jauh bener. Kenapa? karena dasar dari game ini adalah IAP, jadi monster yang muncul di chapter selanjutnya sengaja dibikin super kuat. Nggak lain nggak bukan cuma buat playernya pegel grinding dan akhirnya nyerah terus beli IAP game ini yang lumayan mahal. Tapi setidaknya game ini bisa dimainin offline, dan nggak sulit juga nyari mod unlimited money game ini, hehee. Ngomongin soal kontrol, game ini punya kontrol yang enak banget layaknya game hack n slash lain yang lagi hits sekarang. Buat jalanin karakter, player bisa pake virtual analog di layar sebelah kiri, sementara ada beberapa tombol action di layar sebelah kanan, tombol serangan, spesial, dan lainnya. Intinya, game ini seru banget buat dimainin, dengan musuh-musuh yang bikin deg-degan dan berbagai macam jenis monster.

/Is a classic hack n slash game that is really fun to explore dungeons with cool graphics. I say it's a classic because I've been playing this game since 2012, and luckily I can still play it on my Aquos phone with Lolipop Os. I can't tell much about the story because right from the start, players are presented with Barbarian character actions with two big axes as weapons. Adventuring in the dungeon, fighting monsters one by one, until finally having to face the boss to move up to the next floor or area. Although it looks easy at the beginning, believe me, the game will get harder in the next 5 chapters, because the power difference between the character and the enemies is really far. Why? because the basis of this game is IAP, so the monsters that appear in the next chapter are intentionally made super strong. It's just to make the players tired of grinding and eventually give up and buy this game's IAP which is quite expensive. But at least this game can be played offline, and it's not difficult to find a mod with unlimited money for this game, hehe. Talking about controls, this game has really smooth controls just like other popular hack n slash games nowadays. To move the character, players can use a virtual analog on the left screen, while there are several action buttons on the right screen, attack buttons, special buttons, and others. In essence, this game is really fun to play, with enemies that make you nervous and various types of monsters.


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Follow for daily post on Instagram @gamemobilenow

❗Jika anda melihat konten ini di web / blog lain copyright belong by :

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The Hole Story 76mb APK Only No obb data Adventrure RPG Offline Android



Honestly, I initially thought that this game was similar to Harvestmon with the typical gameplay of managing a farm. But I was wrong, it turns out this is an adventure game with old-school 2D graphics. I thought it was a farming game because the main character in this game holds a shovel and when I was watching the trailer on YouTube, she was digging the ground as if planting plants. Turns out I misunderstood hehee, this little girl has her own reasons why she likes to dig the ground with her shovel. Her name is Wendy, her dream is to become an archaeologist like her parents. That's why she enjoys digging the ground, to find ancient artifacts that she considers valuable. Just like any other day, Wendy spends her time in the backyard with her Grandmother. Under her Grandmother's supervision, Wendy is free to dig the backyard. Occasionally Wendy finds old keys and collects them in her bag. Until one day, Wendy finds a strange device near a tree. And when Wendy interacts with the device, it emits a strange sound and sucks her into a portal. Without understanding it, this aspiring archaeologist has been thrown into a strange place with her beloved shovel. A foreign place far from her home in Kansas. And this is where Wendy's adventure will begin. Relying on her favorite shovel and her sharp mind, she must find a way to return home. And from what I read on PlayStore, Wendy must rescue Princess Alonna who has gone missing from her kingdom, in order to find her way back home. The shovel will be very useful in gameplay to find items related to the mission in this game.



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